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Man-made Hazard (Fast Analysis)

Extension and tools for ArcGIS Desktop, Server "Man-made Hazard (Fast Analysis)" are intended to calculating zones of defeat and determinating the degree of industrial risk. Software include 15 different methodics for modeling explosions, fires, chemical and radioactive contamination.

Software is realized in two variants:
  • Extension for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap, ArcScene, ArcGlobe)
  • Toolbox for ArcGIS Desktop, Server

version of ArcGIS: 9.3, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2

  • Man-made Hazard (Fast Analysis)
  • ManmadeDisasterTitle2.png
  • ManmadeDisasterTitle3.png
  • ManmadeDisasterTitle4.png
  • ManmadeDisasterTitle5.png
  • ManmadeDisasterTitle6.png
  • Documents
  • Video
  • FAQ
  • Download
  • Price
pdf 0.5 mb
Basic information about the module on a single page

The techniques used
pdf 5.2 mb
This document is an appendix to the manual module "Risk Emergencies (operator)" and contains excerpts from the regulations that describe implemented method of calculation

User Guide
pdf 14.8 mb
This document is a guide to use module "Risk Emergencies (operator)", which includes the appointment, working principles, methodical and informational basis for a software and hardware, functionality and user interface

pdf 1 mb
This document is a specification module "Risk Emergencies (operator)", which includes the appointment of principles, methods and information base functionality requirements for hardware and software.

Presentation - Overview
pptx 5.3 mb
Presentation of preliminary acquaintance with the module

How to connect the module in ArcGIS
How to connect and activate the module Techno ES (operator) in desktop applications ArcGIS Desktop

How to know the license information
How to find licensing information module Techno ES (operator)

How to disable the module in ArcGIS
How to shut down and disable the desktop applications in ArcGIS Desktop

Simulation gas explosion in an arbitrary position
Example of using the "Calculation in any place" for modeling gas explosion under RD-2134-123

Expansion Module Techno ES (operator)
zip 0.2mb
ArcGIS 9.3

Expansion Module Techno ES (operator)
zip 0.2mb
ArcGIS 10.0

Toolset Techno ES (operator)
zip 0.2mb
ArcGIS 10.0












Explosion air-fuel mixture        


20 000.        


RD 03-409-01 METHODS OF CONSEQUENCES accidental explosions fuel-air mixture ( as amended and supplemented )        




pressure in the explosion vessel with superheated liquid        


10 000.        


GOST R 12.3.047-98 ANNEX G (recommended ) dimensioning method WAVE PRESSURE TANK EXPLOSION superheated liquid or liquefied gas when exposed to fire center        



        Thermal radiation

" fireball »        


10 000.        


GOST R 12.3.047-98 ANNEX A ( recommended) intensity calculation method of thermal radiation and lifetime " fireball »        




Thermal radiation in a fire Strait        


10 000.        


GOST R 12.3.047-98 ANNEX B (recommended ) intensity calculation method thermal radiation at a pool fire flammable liquids and combustible        




gazoparovozdushnyh pressure during combustion of mixtures in the open air        


10 000.        


GOST R 12.3.047-98 ANNEX E (recommended ) dimensioning method WAVES pressure during combustion GAZOPAROVOZDUSHNYH MIXES IN OPEN SPACE        




SDYAV Infection in an accident on chemically hazardous objects        


30 000.        


RD 52.04.253-90 method of predicting the extent of contamination potent toxic substances in accidents at hazardous chemical sites and truck        



        Thermal radiation

" ball of fire " MOE        


10 000.        


Collection methods for forecasting possible accidents, natural disasters SPARES . Book 2 . Methods of assessing the consequences of the fire and explosive objects        




Thermal radiation in a fire Strait MOE        


10 000.        


Collection methods for forecasting possible accidents, natural disasters SPARES . Book 2 . Methods of assessing the consequences of the fire and explosive objects        




explosion of condensed explosives        


10 000.        


method of predicting the effects of explosions of condensed explosives . Moscow: Military Engineering University , 1992        




explosion of steam and gas environments , as well as solid and liquid volatile compounds        


10 000.        


Annex 2 to PB 09-540-03 General rules for explosion explosive chemical , petrochemical and refining industries        




Methods of assessing the size of the zones of hazardous concentrations of        


20 000.        


COMPLEX valuation methodologies zone sizes SHOCK ACCIDENTAL pipeline rupture FOR WORKERS OF KSGZ SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ( LLC " VNIIGAZ ")        




Methods of assessing the size of the zones of thermal damage during emergency ruptured pipeline        


20 000.        


COMPLEX valuation methodologies zone sizes SHOCK ACCIDENTAL pipeline rupture FOR WORKERS OF KSGZ SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ( LLC " VNIIGAZ ")        




Methods of assessing the size of the affected areas by the shock wave in an emergency ruptured pipeline        


20 000.        


COMPLEX valuation methodologies zone sizes SHOCK ACCIDENTAL pipeline rupture FOR WORKERS OF KSGZ SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ( LLC " VNIIGAZ ")        




Methods of assessing areas of possible fragmentation defeat at break pipelines operating under pressure        


20 000.        


COMPLEX valuation methodologies zone sizes SHOCK ACCIDENTAL pipeline rupture FOR WORKERS OF KSGZ SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ( LLC " VNIIGAZ ")        




Methods of assessing the radiation situation in the explosions of nuclear weapons        


10 000.        


Methods of assessing radiological and chemical environment according to intelligence ( Military Publishing )        




Methodology to evaluate the thermal radiation of the fireball when a BLEVE        


10 000.        


Methodology to evaluate the thermal radiation of the fireball when a BLEVE (EQE International in 2000 )        

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  • Man-made Hazard (Fast Analysis)

    Техно ЧС (оператор)

    Extension and tools for ArcGIS Desktop, Server "Man-made Hazard (Fast Analysis)" are intended to calculating zones of defeat and determinating the degree of industrial risk. Software include 15 different methodics for modeling explosions, fires, chemical and radioactive contamination.

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